Why I Love Autumn

Oh, September! How I love thee! Kids go back to school and stop clogging up supermarkets with their chaos and bratty-ness, things quieten down at the restaurant I work at and most importantly…Autumn’s on the horizon!

I’m so excited for autumn this year. How I long for crisp mornings and the best type of weather where it’s sunny but freezing cold so you need a jumper/coat. England’s had a pretty shitty summer, with it raining all the time. And I hate Spring with a passion, summer’s okay for a week or so but then I get bored of sitting there sweltering and feeling the need for a shower right after I got out, and winter’s…winter’s pretty good. But not as great as autumn. And here’s my list of why I really love autumn:

1) Tea

I don’t feel right about drinking my usual copious amounts of tea in the summer. There’s something just not right about it. Nothing better on a crisp autumn day than drinking a lovely cup of tea to warm your bones and just make yourself feel better. One of my favourite things to do after uni is sit down, watch a dvd, snuggle on the sofa, eat some chocolate with a lovely cup of rosy. Perfect!

2) Halloween!

What would autumn be without Halloween?! I bloody love Halloween. I try to do something different every year, but it never turns out that way. Well, last year I went with the Queen of Halloween, one of my best friends, Holly, to Brighton to a Halloween house party. Year before, we went clubbing. Year before that, we watched movies and ate shit tons of sweets. What to do this year! I really want to go to London Dungeons but it’s pretty expensive but I’d love to go.

3) Pumpkins and pumpkin picking!

I love pumpkins. I love eating them, looking at them, smelling them…it’ll be pumpkins galore in my home! At the restaurant where I work, there is a farm shop where there’s a huge array of different sizes to pick from. And best of all, they’re grown in my home town! I never get them from supermarkets because I just have a thing about them. You can’t beat a freshly grown pumpkin! I’m going to try my hand at pumpkin pie soon. Yum!

4) Gingerbread men and cookies

I made gingerbread last year, but it wasn’t great so I’m going to try again soon. The smell of ginger is a lovely, clean summer smell…but when cooked, it just smells so autumnal and beautiful.

5) Crunchy leaves

You’ve done it. Gone out of your way when you’re walking somewhere to step on a crunchy leaf. Oh, the sound! The trees look so much better when they’re dying, and going for a nap for the winter. Such beautiful colours. I’d rather have 50 shades of brown than green any day.

6) Snuggly jumpers

So snuggly! I hate baring my flesh over the summer. I always get hang ups like “Oh, my legs look really fat in these shorts” and “my arms look too sinewy in this tank top”, but with a snuggly jumper, it doesn’t matter! And this year the shops have gone all-out with patterned jumpers…my bank account is going to take a hit very soon.

7) Cinnamon

The smell of all smells. I’ve had my Yankee Candle ‘Cinnamon and Spice’ out already, and it’s my favourite candle ever. IT just smells so homely and like Christmas and Autumn and all things wintry wrapped together! So good. I could go on forever about cinnamon. I pretty much add it to anything that fits. Hot chocolate, coffee, cupcakes, cookies, regular cakes, even tea! Everything tastes so much better with a little spicy kick.

8) Festivals

I love autumn festivals! The Canterbury one is fantastic, especially because of the scenery. All old-timey and wonderful little knick-knacks. Last year I bought some incense and some lovely candle holders.

9) Toffee/Caramel Apples

One word: yum. SO MUCH YUM. I’m going to make my own this year because the one from Tesco tastes so weird and the apple underneath is always rotten and soggy. Yuck.

10) Bonfire Night

It’s sad that no other country celebrates it, but I guess that’s because it’s an English thing. Fireworks! Bonfire! Sparklers! Ooh, I’m excited already.


Personal review of 2009

So, this will be my personal review of 2009. I can barely remember what happened in each month, but I’m going to do my damn hardest. 2009 hasn’t been a great year for me, but it’s been ok. Much better than 2008. The beginning started off completely crap…but then thanks to lots of things happening, it turned out to be not that bad. The last few months have been the best of the year deffo. So let’s get started!


I hated January. I hate January at the best of times. It’s so cold, and snowy and crap. In this month, and about 3 months until April, I despised college. I hated it so much, I literally wanted to kill myself every second I was there. I went to a theatre group in this month doing ‘Peter Pan’ and that was rather fun tbh. I didn’t know anyone, but it was fun anyhow. I started my driving lessons in this month as well, but that was a bit of a saga. I began with Manual lessons, but after 2 lessons with some woman instructor, I decided I didn’t like her anymore because she kept shouting at me, and so I changed. I got a really nice guy instructor this time, and he was so patient. But I couldn’t get the hang of it, and everyday after my lesson, I would cry my eyes out because I just couldn’t do it. (This is a story that spans over 7 weeks so shh it’s not actually a January story but whatever) In my 7th lesson, where I still couldn’t figure out how to stop properly OR change gear, and was getting so frustrated with myself, the instructor turned round to me and went “You’re not enjoying this are you?” I practically screamed back NO!!! so he said that I’d be better off doing Automatic lessons. So that’s what I did, and I’ve never looked back. I’m working towards my test and I’m too scared to book it 😦 I went to the cinema for the first time with my Mum (first time with my mum, not first time to the cinema) and saw Bride Wars, which was terrible.In world news, Barach Obama was inaugurated, which I am very happy about. Although he doesn’t technically run my country, I’m happy for the Americans.


February was a bit of an odd month. Feb started off making me annoyed due to the snow that lasted 3 days. In this month, I fulfilled one of my January resolutions: I got a job. On Feb 9th I had an interview for a waitress position at a small, Italian restaurant near where I live. 17th Feb, I had my first night there and I’m still working there today. Here, I met some lovely and some not so lovely (but they left so it’s ok) people. Apart from that, nothing exciting happened in this month for me.


Again, not really much happened in March. I spent the first week doing Peter Pan at the Hazlitt Theatre and that took up my time. I was ill for 2 days and spent them in bed. I went to college, came home from college…that was my life tbh. I sold my first ever Photoshop fanart thing on eBay for a fiver, which I’m really happy about. Cost me nothing to make, 5p to print…I say bravo for me. I saw a brilliant film; Marley and Me at the cinema and cried so much I was in hysterics. In major news, Jade Goody died of cancer, which I was quite sad about tbh. As much as I disliked her lapping up attention all the time from the press, it was very sad to watch her go.


My calendar is blank. It’s literally blank. Did I do nothing? I have no idea. It was Easter holidays from 3rd till 20th, so I must have done something? Who knows! A few members of my college class left in this month, and it made college better tbh. Of course, I missed 2 particulars, it improved it for me and I started randomly enjoying it more. I spent more time with other people, and formed very tight friendships with whom, I am friends with today. The big news story was the whole Swine Flu thing. The pandemic hit the UK on 27th April. I didn’t really care tbh, it was just a load of media attention about nothing in particular.

MAYAgain, my calendar is blank. All I know is that I broke up from college on 22nd and came back on the 1st June. LOL. No news stories particulary stood out. It was a bit of a nothing month tbh. I don’t even have a picture of me  apart from this one (I’m on the far left) for this month…maybe I disappeared.I think because this was the month I was introduced to Heroes…and my obsession started there lol. I even saw Star Trek with my Dad for his birthday…it was epic.


25th of June, the world heard the news that Michael Jackson had died. Sure, he had problems…but who in this world doesn’t? I did feel quite sad when he died. At first I didn’t, but after the radio stations played his songs over and over again, I didn’t realize how much I loved his music. My favorite of his has to be either ‘She’s Out Of My Life” or “Beat It”. As for me, not a lot happened. The thing that sticks out most for me was the fact that I applied for another course at college, and got an interview. At my interview, I received an offer…but halfway through, I had a little bit of an epiphany. I enjoyed college. I genuinely enjoyed it and I couldn’t imagine doing another course. So I decided to not take the offer, and I’ve never looked back. Me and the girls went and saw the funniest “horror” film I have ever seen in my life: Drag Me To Hell. I lol’d so bad I was nearly sick.


I had a pretty “exciting” time. Well, if you call “exciting” working your ass off everyday half 8 till 3.30 in a hot and sweaty kitchen. I did enjoy it actually, and I got a hella lot of money for it. I worked pretty much the whole month, so that kept me occupied. This month I had 3 jobs on the trot…waitress at the restaurant, kitchen porter at the European School of Osteopathy and my paper round. I also had mega fun times at Thorpe Park and that pretty much made my month.I saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. That was shite.


August was ok. I just pretty much lounged around all day in the sun and read a load of books and watched a load of crap. I really need to get a life. I also worked until 13th August this month. I don’t even have a proper picture of me for this month. What is this?!


Ahh, back to college on the 28th. Brand new college might I add. At first I really, really despised it…not my course like at the beginning of the year, but the actual building. I thought it was so big and stupid. But the lifts are fun 😀 The only thing monumental about this month was the fact that I went back to college. We had Access All Areas at college and that was pretty awesome, I was crowd control 😀 lol, like I’d ever be able to “control a crowd”. I got my haircut into a more suitable, professional and more awesome style. I saw Funny People, and that was one of the worst films I’ve ever seen in my life. I discovered the joys of Ugly Betty, and quickly got bored.


Again, like every other month this year, not a lot happened. I got my nose pierced in Maidstone and passed out twice shortly after, but it’s made my face awesome lol. The most awesome day was, however,the 31st, Halloween. I spent it round a friends house and we watched crap movies, ate sweets and drank a lot 🙂 Was awesome! I discovered the awesomeness of the band ‘Paramore’. Wow. The news story that stuck out to me was Nick Griffin, chairman of the BNP, appearing on Question Time. What.a.buffoon.

NovemberThe best event of November was the 14th, where I saw Beyonce at the o2 arena…there’s not a lot else to say apart from that it was once of the best nighrs of my life. 6th November, I booked tickets for what may well be the most awesome event in the history of my life…Green Day at Wembley Stadium. The only thing productive I did was on November 11th, I created this blog as an outlet for my thoughts, ramblings and just general weirdness. And I think I’ve done well. Normally with these things, I create them, then get bored and stop doing it. So far it’s been over a month, and I’ve not got bored…there’s hope for me yet.


Easily the best month this year. I turned 18, applied to uni and got 2 interviews back, and had the best weekend of my life (for details on this, go to My birthday weekend, and other fun stuffs) As I’m writing this now, I’ve discovered that 2009 was actually really boring, and one I wouldn’t really repeat (apart from this month) Let’s hope 2010’s better.

Happy new year everybody!